

Step One: What type of student are you?



New curriculum students have not taken a Rowan-Cabarrus curriculum level course.

This category includes students who were 以前的职业 & 菲律宾十大网赌网站的承诺 or 早期的菲律宾十大网赌网站 students through Rowan-Cabarrus as well as students transferring into Rowan-Cabarrus from another post-secondary institution.



Students who wish to register for credit courses, as Undecided may be admitted as special credit and earn up to 18 hours before declaring a program of study. This may also include students enrolled in another college or university and wish to take course(s) that will transfer back.


Students who previously attended Rowan-Cabarrus and received a letter grade of A, B, C, D, F, 或W, and have not attended for two or more consecutive semesters.

Service members and reservists who are temporarily unable to attend class or have to suspend their studies due to service requirements can be readmitted to their program of study. The service member must submit military orders to the Office of the Registrar along with his/her intention to return to school upon completion of their assignment. Service members and reservists would be considered a returning student and submit the appropriate readmittance documentation.

企业 & 继续教育学生

企业 & Continuing Education students take non-credit classes that are not part of a degree program. 看到所有的 可能的类 现在!

第二步:涂抹 & 获取支持信息



  1. 住院医生实习期 Determination Service (RDS) 或未过期的RCN号码
  2. CFNC应用程序 对入学
  3. 成绩单——见步骤三

Please note it takes a minimum of two business days to process your application, 取决于你申请的日期. After submitting, students will receive an email to the email address provided. While waiting for your official letter to come in the mail, please reference this email and follow the enrollment steps as outlined.

By signing or electronically completing and submitting the college application, the student ack现在ledges that all information is accurate and accepts the responsibility to be aware of and follow codes of conduct, behavior standards and all program specific rules, 政策, 和程序. All students are expected to follow the 政策 和程序 of the college.



It is the responsibility of the applicant to request official transcripts from their college or university.

官方成绩单 must be received in a sealed envelope or sent electronically from the sending institution. Transcripts which have been opened, scanned, or faxed are not accepted.  Electronic transcripts should be sent to transcripts@insideibiza.net.


Rowan-Cabarrus Community College
P.O. 1595箱
索尔兹伯里,N.C. 28145-1595


It is the responsibility of the applicant to request official transcripts from the last high school(s) attended.

Official high school transcripts are required for:

  • 18岁以下申请人
  • Specific programs of study such as Nursing, 牙科协助, 职业治疗, 物理治疗和放射学

请注意: Transcripts for financial aid purposes must include the graduation date.

Choose one of the following options for submitting your high school transcript to Rowan-Cabarrus.

  1. If you did not request your high school transcript at the time of completing the CFNC Application for Admission, you may log in to your CFNC account and choose to have your high school transcript sent directly to Rowan-Cabarrus at no cost, and our office will receive it almost immediately.
  2. Contact your high school and follow their procedures for requesting your transcript be sent to the Rowan-Cabarrus address indicated below.

官方成绩单 must be received in a sealed envelope or sent electronically from the sending institution. Transcripts which have been opened, scanned, or faxed are not accepted.


记录 Office, Division of Student Success
Rowan-Cabarrus Community College
P.O. 1595箱
索尔兹伯里,N.C. 28145-1595


Work with your career and academic advisor on what is needed for transcripts.

第四步:建议 & 规划

你成功团队的人, 在你的欢迎信中提到, will be contacting you to set-up an advising meeting. They will help you understand your program of study and develop a plan that will lead you to academic success, 最后是毕业. You are strongly encouraged to meet with your career and academic advisor prior to registering for classes.

To schedule an appointment, please use our 导航工具.


After meeting with your career and academic advisor, you are responsible for registering each semester using the 导航工具. 请访问 我们的注册日期网页 for registration dates and details.

第六步:支付学费 & 费用

To be considered registered, students must pay tuition and fees. There will be no individual billing statements mailed to students. 浏览我们的 付款方式 了解更多信息.

To avoid deletion of your schedule, it is the student’s responsibility to assure that financial aid, 赞助, 授权, and/or payment arrangements are made by the deadline posted for each registration period.

学费 and fees may be paid at the Navigation Station at either North or South 校园.


参加 新生迎新
让你的 学生证